Parents are the primary and principal educators of their children, especially in our Catholic Faith.
Moms & Dads exemplify for their children how they should love God above everything. They know they are bound by a most serious obligation to model what it means to love God & our neighbor.
Only with difficulty can anyone else attempt to supply what is lacking when parents leave their role unfulfilled.
Parents will find encouragement from other parents by personally participating in instructional sessions directed primarily for them by the Pastor.
Sunday Mornings:
Begins with Mass at 10:00 AM; Continues by gathering in the Hall over Coffee & Donuts; Concludes with a brief, in-person catachetical lesson with Q&A by the Pastor for the parents; At-Home Study-Materials will be provided for in-depth intstruction.
A catechetically enriching program for the Children is available simultaneously accross the hallway.
Come and See: All are welcome to join us for instruction. There are Three Parts to our parish Religious Education Program. Each is important:
I—At Mass: Participation in Sunday Mass is foundational to the practice of our Catholic Faith
II—In Person: Weekly lessons after Mass will cover the basic elements of Catholic Teaching throughout the year.
III—At Home: Deeper study and time for instruction & home study involves the whole family and proceeds at the pace that best fits each household. Recommended study materials are available.
Sacramental Preparation:
The Pastor & the Parents both strive to guarantee the readiness of the Children preparing for First Holy Communion & for Confirmation.
By observing the duty of participating faithfully in all of the Feasts of the Church Year, families can be assured of the indispensable minimum in the spirit of prayer, the sacramental life, moral commitment and growth in love of God and neighbor. This will be a sure foundation for their children's religious & spiritual life.
The Pastor will enroll families of children to be admitted to First Communion & Confirmation following a determination of their Sacramental Readiness.
Requirements for Sacramental Readiness:
Participation in Sunday Mass throughout the entire Church Year.
Weekly Sunday Mass participation is obligatory.
Determination of Readiness will be deferred until families have established regular, weekly Sunday Mass participation throughout all of the seasons of the Church year.
Establishing this participation is a foundational responsibility of parents, without which all religious education becomes virtually impossible.
Participation in in-Person Catechesis
Interview with the Pastor
Acknowledgment of these requirements
Accomodating families suffering hardships or in particularly difficult situations:
Families understandably suffer hardships which may make participation difficult or impossible. Military spouses, Parents with serious illness, or couples negotiating circumstances involving joint custody, etc. should feel encouraged to approach the Pastor. Accommodations for such serious difficulties will be worked out as needed on an individual basis.
Families prioritizing sports at the expense of regular participation in Sunday Mass must correct this prior to beginning Sacramental preparation.