Veteran St. Joseph's parishioners may remember the slap on the cheek that came from the bishop as soon as he gave the anointing with the Sacred Chrism to the young person at Sacrament of Confirmation. This slap on the cheek was supposed to be gentle yet purposeful. Its purpose has been stated as follows:
To make the [newly confirmed] recollect that, as a valiant combatant, he should be prepared to endure with unconquered spirit all adversities for the name of Christ. (Roman Catechism: Part II, Confirmation).
While this slap on the cheek is no longer a part of the Rite of Confirmation, its underlying purpose still captures an important effect of the grace of this Sacrament which the young people of our parish are receiving this First Sunday in May. It recalls that the Christian life is a struggle in which they are now counted as combatants who will be expected to struggle valiantly. This struggle will at times be hard. But their spirits, through this Sacrament will possess the gift of fortitude. They should expect adversities but should not be daunted by them as long as they are true to the name of Christ by whose spirit they been especially strengthened in this Sacrament.
Our young people have their sponsors to reassure them as well as the heavenly assistance of the Saints whom they have chosen and whose virtues they wish to imitate. They will also have the help of our prayers as we thank God for raising up another class of young people to help carry on the work of Christ in our midst.